“damn it, there's more over there! it's like necromancer ebony!”(该死,那边也有!那好像是亡灵法师乌木!)眼尖的卢卡斯立刻注意到了那个混在天启士兵里的骷髅法师。
“retreat! all the troops back!”(撤退!全军撤退!)琼冷汗直流,“the three monsters from gaiplos in the other world have all appeared. as we have no chance of winning, the whole army will withdraw!”(来自异世界盖普洛斯的那三个怪物都出现了,就凭我们没有胜算,全军撤退!)
“or ask for support first. i'm afraid we can't get out of the encirclement by ourselves alone.”(要么我们还是先请求支援吧……我觉得光凭我们,恐怕没办法突出重围了……)
“you are pretty self-aware.”(你们还算有最起码的自知之明。)亡灵法师乌木阴测测的笑着,骷髅头颅上黑洞洞的眼眶里,幽蓝色的鬼火忽明忽暗。而在他的身后,乌泱泱的骷髅大军正向叛军大举进攻。