“don't worry, lucas, i'm fine. it’s impossible to hurt me with the defeat of these remnants.”(放心吧卢卡斯,我没事。就凭这些残兵败将不可能伤的到我。)红发女孩站了起来,并反手扔出一个黑色法球(约等于法师平a)炸飞了试图向金发男孩开枪的天启军。
“makes sense. if the opponent does not have any reinforcements, it is only a matter of time before the entire territory of holland is occupied.”卢卡斯看了一眼节节败退的天启军,“but i always feel that things will not be so simple.”(说的也是。如果对方没有任何增援的话,占领荷兰全境只是时间问题。但是我总感觉事情不会这么简单。)
“if apocalypse was so easy to deal with, we would have captured the entire european continent.”(如果天启这么好对付的话,我们早就攻下整个欧洲大陆了。)
“get out!”(闪开!)
“quick reaction!”(不错的反应速度。)
“sure enough, the head of the european area of the apocalypse government, the duke of vampires, brian!”(果然来了,天启欧洲区负责人,吸血鬼公爵,布莱恩!)琼的脸色有些难看。
“it seems that my popularity is much higher than i thought.”(看来我的知名度比我想象中的要高很多啊。)一个背生双翼、肤色苍白的吸血鬼从天而降。
“need to call for support?”(需要呼叫支援吗?)卢卡斯稍微后撤了一步。